D'Arcy Managed Accounts
With the D'Arcy Managed Account portfolio mix, you gain our dedicated in-house asset allocation methodology that integrates disciplined long-term asset allocation among multiple asset classes that will utilize, within your specific risk strategy, well-known financial instruments.
Managed Account Defined
Managed accounts have gone mainstream. In the recent past, managed accounts were primarily accessible only to the very wealthy due to the fact that a person needed over $1 million to even be considered for professional money management. Today, with changes in technology and efficiency, those account minimums have now been reduced dramatically, making professional management now available to the average investor.
Managed Accounts means Personal Attention
The Managed Accounts are led internally by our investment policy committee. Our committee works with you to discover the appropriate asset classes for your savings goals. Our team then goes to work where they create the portfolio, manage the holdings on a day to day basis and then make appropriate changes as the market conditions or your life conditions may change.
Managed Accounts vs. Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts
Within a Managed Account, a specific strategy is based on your preferences, then designed into a portfolio to meet that strategy, and then continuous adjustments are made as market conditions change. This is called Active Management. A Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA) is built upon a return and risk strategy and is comprised of a set of mutual funds or a few stocks generally. In other words, in a self-directed account or non-managed account, you are responsible for the ongoing management.
Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts - Pros and Cons
The advantage to having an SDBA is that you are the one who makes the changes that you feel are necessary to keep you on track with your investment strategy. Ironically, the disadvantage is the same reason. Considering that a sizable majority of the investing public have repeatedly indicated that they are uncomfortable with having to manage money in the market on their own, there is the potential that they may be missing out on returns that they couldn't have achieved on their own.
Under the Managed Account structure, you oversee your account savings, but professional asset managers manage the investments for you as conditions change.
The following management styles are available for selection:
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